Contact details screen
This screen lists all contact details – phone numbers, email addresses and postal addresses – that it is able to detect within the website.

Why it matters
Contact information is especially important and damaging if incorrect. Keeping your contact details up-to-date can be difficult without knowing what contact details are on your website.
How to use it
Silktide lists all contact information that it discovers in a table.
For each contact, you are shown:
- Magnifying glass – this opens the Inspector, which shows you where the contact appears on each page.
- Occurrences – the number of times this contact appears in the site.
Contact details are detected automatically by software, which means that some details may be missed if:
- Contacts are written in images, and not in text.
- Contacts are written outside of your webpages, e.g. in PDF or Word downloads.
Postal address detection is extremely complex and almost impossible to make 100% accurate. Generally postal address detection will be high accurate for UK and US addresses, and less accurate in other countries.
Some numbers that are not phone numbers, but which look like them, may confuse Silktide. For example, a UK Company Registration number can be mistaken for a phone number.